On 3/19/15 12:07 AM, Alfredo De Luca wrote:
> Hi all.
> I am testing hiera in our enviroment and I wonder if I can manage
> everything from hiera without using the main site.pp.
> Do you think is the right way? or I should use site.pp as well?
> Here is what I am testing and so far so good.
> --------- hiera.yaml
> ---
> :backends:
>  - yaml
> :hierarchy:
>  - "environments/%{::environment}"
>  - "nodes/%{::fqdn}"
>  - common
> :yaml:
>  :datadir: /etc/puppet/hieradata/
> --------- hiera.yaml
> --------- common.yaml
> ---
> classes:
>  - ntp
>  - resolver
>  - yum
>  - motd
> ntp::restrict:
> ntp::autoupdate: false
> ntp::service_enable: true
> ntp::service_ensure: running
> ntp::servers:
>  -
>  -
>  -
>  -
> resolver::search:
>  - xxx.xxx.com
>  resolver::dns_servers:
>  -
>  -
>  -
>  -
> yum::source_repo_dir: 'puppet:///REPO_FILES/'
> yum::clean_repos: true
> motd::content: '##### TEST #####'
> --------- common.yaml

Hi Alfredo,

Here is a link[1] to the site manifest that I use. Everything else is
driven through Hiera. Your hierarchy should be ordered such that the
most specific level is first and each subsequent level describes your
systems with less specificity. So the fqdn level should be swapped with
the environment. Here is a link[2] to a good starting point for your
hiera configuration.

If you were to visualize the number of keys in each level of the
hierarchy it would appear as a pyramid with the the top having the
fewest keys and the bottom having the most. If you find that's not the
case, it is a good sign to refactor your hiera levels.

[1] - https://gist.github.com/ghoneycutt/14855c4890cb400165f3
[2] - https://gist.github.com/ghoneycutt/5b6034f9bb381c56a950

Best regards,

Garrett Honeycutt
Puppet Training with LearnPuppet.com
Mobile: +1.206.414.8658

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