On Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 6:07:15 PM UTC-5, Alfredo De Luca wrote:
> Hi all. 
> I am testing hiera in our enviroment and I wonder if I can manage 
> everything from hiera without using the main site.pp. 
> Do you think is the right way? or I should use site.pp as well? 

Hiera does not classify nodes.  You need a site manifest or an ENC, or 
both.  You can use Hiera similarly to an ENC, however, with a little bit of 
glue in your site manifest.  Supposing that an array of the classes 
designated for a given node are available via array-merge lookup of the 
hiera key 'classes', as you show, you can put this at the top level of the 
site manifest:


Given that, it is conceivable that you could do without anything else in 
your site manifest, and without an actual ENC.

Note that the 'classes' key is not special to Hiera.  It is distinguished 
from any other random string only by the way your manifests *use* it.


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