On Thursday, February 26, 2015 at 10:03:35 AM UTC-6, jcbollinger wrote:
> I hear your frustration, Karen.  I'm sorry this is proving to be such a 
> hassle for you.
> On Wednesday, February 25, 2015 at 4:35:11 PM UTC-6, Karen Ellrick wrote:
>> It's understandable if the PuPHPet project does not support hand editing 
>>> its output...
>> If that was the case, Juan wouldn't have told me in 
>> https://github.com/puphpet/puphpet/issues/1352#issuecomment-72649784 
>> <https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fpuphpet%2Fpuphpet%2Fissues%2F1352%23issuecomment-72649784&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNEWv6mQcrfpkcV-JFSj7iFzz43pLw>
>> that I need to work with Puppet to do what I want. He seems to be saying 
>> that the generated files can indeed be edited.
> I'm trying not to bad-mouth Juan, but I read that github thread already, 
> and it sounds to me as if he's brushing you off.  Yes, in principle you can 
> edit the Puppet code and data that PuPHPet outputs to achieve any result 
> you want.  By that same principle, you can also write Puppet code from 
> scratch to do what you want.  Saying so doesn't get you any closer.  I am 
> honestly uncertain whether starting from the PuPHPet output is any 
> advantage to you, given that it doesn't provide everything you want, and 
> you are not already well versed in Puppet.
Unfortunately this is a criticism I receive often. Maybe it's deserved. In 
my defense, however, I'd like to point out that when I first started 
puphpet I honestly thought only 10 people would ever find it useful. I had 
absolutely no idea it would ever gain as much popularity as it has seen. 
It's caught me completely off-guard and has turned me from a lucky-go-happy 
developer working on his small, personal project that just happens to be 
publicly-accessible, into the sole developer of a tool that thousands of 
developers are now using and depending on.

I don't *know* Puppet. I learned it as I went along. That's why the guys in 
Freenode's #puppet are supportive of me when I ask Puppet-specific 
questions, but generally look down on PuPHPet itself - because my Puppet 
code is amateur at worst, mediocre at best.

It has now reached a point where I am afraid of making changes to puphpet 
for fear of breaking something that I am unaware of. For PHP I am pretty 
good with writing unit tests and more or less follow TDD practices, but for 
Puppet I have no idea how to write unit tests. I know it would involve 
learning Ruby which I absolutely have no time (or much of an inclination, 
really) to do.

So the end result is that I'm stuck in a continuous rut where I will ignore 
puphpet for weeks, even months at a time, as my issue tracker grows 
steadily. Then I'll hit a day when my daytime work is done, my contracting 
work is caught up, my family is happy, and I miss working on it, and I will 
go through and work on ~50 issues in a 2-day span. Invariably I'll end up 
implementing some new feature and introducing 50 new bugs and the process 
begins again.

You'll notice in puphpet's commit history that the vast majority of commits 
have been from me. There's the odd PR here and there, of course, but mostly 
it's just been me chugging along on a project that I've enjoyed working on, 
but detracts from my day to day life.

So when you say I'm blowing someone off, I don't see it that way. I will 
provide support for my project. If someone wants to run something 
non-standard in their VM, I will offer encouragement and maybe some slight 
guidance, but that is all I am prepared to offer. I have enough on my plate 
to have to try and worry about things that aren't even in the project.

Karen, I understand my documentation is subpar. It's been on my to-do list 
as long as puphpet has existed. However, I do expect that when developers 
run into a brick wall that they tighten their belts and dive into the code, 
learn what's going on and implement their own solutions. It's completely 
open source, after all. I started puphpet having known not a thing about 
puppet a month previous (and it shows). The "hard" work has been done, now 
it's just trying to make sense of my madness :)


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