On Saturday, February 21, 2015 at 8:49:05 PM UTC-6, Karen Ellrick wrote:
> Hi, Juan! It's great to hear from you here. As you can see, John felt that 
> my question was more of a PuPHPet question than a Puppet one. After a 
> little more work on my own I then posted on PuPHPet Issues (
> https://github.com/puphpet/puphpet/issues/1352), and you told me that it 
> was a Puppet question. I felt a little like a ping pong ball... :( So I'm 
> glad the loop is closing a bit.

Here's the thing: PuPHPet is fundamentally a code generator.  Based on your 
inputs, it generates Puppet DSL code and corresponding data.  By all 
accounts, it does a decent job of it, in the sense that the generated code 
and data do what they are supposed to do. From what I've seen, however, 
PuPHPet is like most code generators in generating output that is not well 
suited for subsequent hand editing.

It's understandable if the PuPHPet project does not support hand editing 
its output, but in that case, if PuPHPet doesn't get you all the way to 
where you need to go then that leaves you in a bit of a no-man's land.  I 
can talk to you about Puppet DSL *in general*, or about details of code 
that you wrote and mostly understand, but the analysis required to tell you 
specifically what to do to your machine-generated code would take more time 
and effort than I am prepared to donate.  As PuPHPet developer, Juan is in 
a better position to give such advice, or at least to tell you about how 
the generated code and data are organized, which would help the rest of us 
advise you about what changes to make.  It is in that sense that yours is a 
PuPHPet issue.


> I'm still stuck at the overall question I tried to ask here and on github, 
> which is how to modify either the PuPHPet config.yaml or the Puppet files 
> to handle things beyond PuPHPet's GUI. Naturally it would be good to 
> include as much of it in config.yaml as possible so that it won't be lost 
> if I go back to the PuPHPet GUI later, but so far I have only figured out a 
> few other places to put particular things - see 
> https://github.com/puphpet/puphpet/issues/1352#issuecomment-72766107 for 
> a list of mods I have done so far, which are scattered in four places. I 
> have not gotten any farther - I still don't know how to include nginx 
> config changes and installation of things that don't have a yum repo, like 
> LaTeX and specialty files I'll need. Help from Juan, John, or anyone else 
> is appreciated.

With regard to LaTeX specifically, there are packages in CentOS's standard 
repositories, so you shouldn't need to configure a custom repository for 
it.  If you in fact do need to manage software that's not available 
pre-packaged from any public repository, then there are multiple options.  
A reasonably good one is to set up your own local repository (it's pretty 
easy).  How best to fit any of that into your existing code, and especially 
how to do it so the customizations can be carried forward automatically, is 
beyond what I'm prepared to advise you about.


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