On Wednesday, 19 November 2014 17:56:23 UTC, Wyatt Alt wrote:
> Hey Paul, 
> That's some kind of DB corruption. Shouldn't be happening. Do you have 
> any sense of when this started or whether it was tied to a recent 
> upgrade? Is there a stacktrace in your logs that you could gist? Does it 
> happen on every agent run or only occasionally? Is it always the same 
> path_id like in the other ticket? 
> Also would you mind reporting the output of this? 
> select * from facts where fact_value_id in (50319,22128); 
Thanks Wyatt,

I cannot be sure if this is tied to an upgrade specifically but I just 
happened to be keeping an eye
on the logs a little more lately (working on an ELK thing to monitoring 

A stack trace is available at 

The output from the select is:-
$ psql
psql (9.3.5)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \c puppetdb
You are now connected to database "puppetdb" as user "postgres".
puppetdb=# select * from facts where fact_value_id in (50319,22128);
 factset_id | fact_value_id
         22 |         50319
(1 row)

Hope this helps.


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