I use a separate module for the repositories (
https://forge.puppetlabs.com/thbe/yum) and require them during startup like
here (https://forge.puppetlabs.com/thbe/ssmtp). So Puppet is doing the work
to get everything in place in the correct order.

Regards Thomas

2014-07-07 17:35 GMT+02:00 Andrei Maxim <and...@andreimaxim.ro>:

> Hi,
> I've been looking into Puppet recently and I'm trying to setup a couple of
> virtual machines that should mimick what's in production. I'm pretty much a
> developer trying to lean towards DevOps :-)
> Locally, I'm using Vagrant and the CentOS 6.5 64-bit box with Puppet 3.4.3
> that was published by Puppetlabs, which should somewhat mirror what's on
> the servers (a custom AMI based on CentOS 6.5).
> What I'm trying to do right now -- and I've found a bunch of ways to do
> this -- is to setup a couple of repositories (EPEL and MySQL Community
> being the most important ones). I've noticed that people do this in a
> number of ways, from grabbing the RPM package to using the 'yumrepo' type
> to adding a custom module for each repo or by using a general purpose Yum
> module (like the one from example42) and specifying the repos there.
> Normally, when I install those repos, I download the RPM locally and
> install it using the command line, for example:
>         yum install http://dev.mysql.com/get/
> mysql-community-release-el6-5.noarch.rpm
> That RPM will create a number of entries in the /etc/yum.repos.d/, which
> seems odd to add each one by hand using the `yumrepo` type.
> I've seen this example given a number of times (it's also the correct
> answer to a similar question on SO):
> node default {
>   include base
> }
> class base {
>   yumrepo { "IUS":
>      baseurl => "http://dl.iuscommunity.org/pub/ius/stable/$
> operatingsystem/$operatingsystemrelease/$architecture",
>      descr => "IUS Community repository",
>      enabled => 1,
>      gpgcheck => 0
>   }
> }
> Then, for any node that extends base you can say
> class foo {
>   package { "bar": ensure => installed, require => Yumrepo["IUS"] }
> }
> Going back to the example with the MySQL Community RPM, I would have to
> manually do this for three repos (the other two are disabled):
> * mysql-connectors-community
> * mysql-tools-community
> * mysql56-community
> Is this still the accepted solution in the Puppet community? If so, how
> would you organize those repositories? Create a module for each repository?
> Create a repository module with all the sources?
> And, somewhat related to this subject, I've noticed that I might get some
> errors when provisioning my VMs because the base system wasn't up to date.
> I was planning to add a `yum update` command to my setup, but I realize
> that this might not be the best solution because I might not want to update
> the base system everytime I run puppet.
> What's the best way to update the system only when running Puppet for the
> first time?
> Thanks,
> Max
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