I'm trying to get Puppet to add "nosuid" to all my nfs or nfs4 mount 
entries in /etc/fstab. I'm currently using this:

   augeas { "fstab-nosuid":
              context => "/files/etc/fstab/*[vfstype = 'nfs' or vfstype = 
   'nfs4'][count(opt[. = 'nosuid']) = 0]",
              changes => [
                  "ins opt after opt[last()]",
                  "set opt[last()] nosuid"
              onlyif => "match /files/etc/fstab/*[vfstype = 'nfs' or 
   vfstype = 'nfs4'][count(opt[. = 'nosuid']) = 0] size > 0",

This works, but it only edits a single line per run. How can I change it to 
do all of the relevant lines at once?

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