On 4/30/14, 12:49 PM, José Luis Ledesma wrote:
> There is another option, mcollective.
> Using cron is somewhat manual, and you have to determine whenever to run
> puppet to avoid a thundering herd effect.
> Mcollective lets you use the
> Mco puppet runall <concurrency>
> Where the concurrency sets how many agents run at the same time.
> It is resielent as cron is, and also you have a central point of puppet
> agents management, instead of (semi) manually set cron entries.
> Regards


TL;DR: you can totally use cron and not have to think about scheduling
your agents.

MCollective is great for doing ad-hoc runs. If you want puppet to run at
a regular interval, then you would need to run the agent as a service or
with cron or run mcollective with either of those two things which would
achieve the same end.

Using cron is not at all manual and you do not have to determine when to
run your agents to avoid thundering herd. A common way to do this is to
use fqdn_rand(). Here's an example[1] of my implementation of this.

MCollective is not as resilient as cron if your system looses network
connectivity or has a lot of latency such as satellite connections,
though that is likely not an issue for most folks. It does give you a
central point of management for your agents which can be awesome. Some
folks run puppet only in noop mode and only do enforcing runs on demand
with MCollective, though that depends on your change management needs.

[1] -


Garrett Honeycutt
Puppet Training with LearnPuppet.com
Mobile: +1.206.414.8658

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