
On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 9:13 AM, Marc <marcol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello
> I am trying puppet 3.5.1 on a Debian Jessie.
> How can I enable Puppet by default on new installations ?

It looks like it is.

> I need to do that, for Debian deployment. I use Debian FAI to install Debian
> on my workstations. After the deployment, Puppet is launched. I just have to
> sign them on Puppet Master in order to launch the post install with puppet
> (AD integration, CUPS configuration...).
> So now, I can't do that because the /etc/default/puppet file is not read by
> the system.

I don't think there is any need to read /etc/default/puppet on Debian
Jessie. The Jessie puppet package does not install /etc/default/puppet
and the init script doesn't make use of anything in the file either -
thought it does make an attempt to read it:

[ -r /etc/default/puppet ] && . /etc/default/puppet

> The only solution I see, is to add a cron task @reboot. Am I wrong ?

I don't follow what you want to have done. What exactly would you put
in the cron task?


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