Hi Andy...

I think i got your idea....

I use this module ARCHIVE with Linux workstations, and the módule I created
was to install our ERP system, so i use the ARCHIVE do download the package
tar.gz from our FTP server, for example:

url => 'http://ftp.company.com/puppet/system.tar.gz'

So, with this tarball, i have the system.tar.gz.md5, where i did with the
command on linux md5sum to create the md5 file.
With THIS the ARCHIVE module make all to me!!

It download the tarball, extract it to the target /usr/local , check with
MD5 and install my ERP.

You are using samba to distribute the programs .exe, so you can create the
md5 file, and use the ARCHIVE module to install the package...

Take a look at this module with your module...

2014-02-21 14:54 GMT-03:00 Andy Spiegl <puppet.a...@spiegl.de>:

> > Tell me more about your goal!
> >
> > What you really need!?
> >
> > Are your client Windows or Linux ?
> Most of them are Linux, but many user workstations are Windows.
> I am trying to set up puppet to update the most security crucial
> programs on these Windows machines: Java, Flash, Firefox, Thunderbird,
> putty, vlc and puppet itself of course.
> I've got a separate module for each which grab installer files from a
> samba share.  The share is readonly but we have a bad feeling about it
> and would like to introduce an extra layer of security.  Like checking
> the md5sum of the file before running the installer on the clients.
> The module you mentioned (gini-archive) sounds very practical, but if
> I distribute md5sum.exe to the windows clients using the same puppet
> method, I don't really gain security. :-)
> Thanks,
>  Andy.
> --
>  If you take USABLE from UNSTABLE you get NT.


*Rafael Cristaldo*

*Analísta de Suporte *

*FPTI - Parque Tecnológico ItaipuLPIC-3 Senior Level Linux Certification*
*LPI ID; LPI000238085 Cod: *4ackegjqlx

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