Hi Andy..

Tell me more about your goal!

What you really need!?

Are your client Windows or Linux ?

2014-02-19 14:32 GMT-03:00 Andy Spiegl <puppet.a...@spiegl.de>:

> Hi Rafael,
> >  http://forge.puppetlabs.com/gini/archive
> Thanks, I'll try that!  Sounds promising.
> Now I only have to find a way to securely get md5sum.exe onto the
> machines, uhm...
> Thanks!
>  Andy.
> --
>  Every generation laughs at the old fashions
>  but religiously follows the new.  (Henry David Thoreau, US philosopher)


*Rafael Cristaldo*

*Analísta de Suporte *

*FPTI - Parque Tecnológico ItaipuLPIC-3 Senior Level Linux Certification*
*LPI ID; LPI000238085 Cod: *4ackegjqlx

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