On Wednesday, February 19, 2014 2:23:58 PM UTC-6, Jordan Wright wrote:
> I guess I should explain my situation a bit.

The bottom line seems to be that the systems being configured are intended 
to have exactly one local account in their final state, with autologon 
enabled on that account, and the problem is to configure the profile of 
that one account.  In order to configure that profile via Puppet running on 
the target node, it is necessary for the user to be logged in.

The general approach you have chosen seems fine for those particulars, 
though I do still think that you should consider using a domain account 
with a roaming profile instead of local accounts.  By all means, however, 
do arrange your classes in modules, and do not nest them.

As for run stages, these have some hidden costs related to creating 
unneeded and sometimes unwanted relationships between resources, and they 
somehow seem to have more appeal to users than I think is warranted.  
Nevertheless, what you want to do with them -- ensure that the intended 
user is configured for autologon and is, in fact, logged on -- is a pretty 
reasonable use.  That's especially so given that your 'user-creation' stage 
must reboot the system if it updates anything.  It is still the case that 
anything you can do in Puppet with run stages you can also do without, but 
I'm not going to quibble over whether you should or should not use them for 
the example you presented.


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