I guess I should explain my situation a bit. The intent of this system is 
to configure kisok type systems. Each machine will be logged into a local 
limited user account that is running an application that the public will 
use. At this time I have no need and don't ever plan to have two local 
accounts on the machines. They are connected to the domain so any 
maintenance will be done via domain credentials. 

On Wednesday, February 19, 2014 10:39:01 AM UTC-5, jcbollinger wrote:
> On Tuesday, February 18, 2014 3:34:46 PM UTC-6, Jordan Wright wrote:
>> I have some Windows systems that I need to configure a user's profile. 
>> The user has to be logged into for the profile to be created. I came up 
>> with the solution below but it seems kinda hacky.
> Indeed.
>> I assume there is a better way to get the same effect without having a 
>> class inside a class?
> It is perfectly normal for one class to *declare* another.  It is poor 
> form these days, and never necessary, to nest one class *definition*inside 
> another.  The best way to avoid the latter is to put your classes in 
> a module and lay it out in the normal way.  See 
> http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/3/reference/modules_fundamentals.html, 
> especially the "Module Layout" section.  Puppet will then automagically 
> find the class definition corresponding to each class declaration.

That is true. I didn't think about moving it into its own file. That would 
make it nicer.

> Is there a way to set a stage on a class when using hiera? 
> Sure.  The 'stage' parameter takes an ordinary string value, which hiera 
> can provide.  You can either use automatic data binding, or explicit hiera 
> calls.  The latter might look like this:
> class { 'autologon::autologon-internal':
>   stage => hiera('autologon::autologon-internal::stage'),
>   ...
> }
> I don't think that really gains you anything, though.  Why would it be 
> helpful -- or even advisable -- to set the run stage via hiera data? 

I was more thinking about a way to not have a wrapper class. But after 
thinking about it for a day, having a wrapper class isn't as ugly as I 
initially thought.

> Also, what do you need a run stage for, anyway?  Do you intend to put more 
> classes in it later?  For just the one class, you could achieve effect 
> without stages:
> class autologon ($username, $password) {
>     class {'autologon::autologon-internal':
>         username => $username,
>         password => $password,
>     }
>     reboot { 'user-creation':
>         subscribe => Class['autologon::autologon-internal']
>     }
>     ...
> }

I have many other classes, I just didn't hit this issue sooner because I 
was testing on a machine with the user already created. Many of the others 
touch the registry of the user, hence why the profile has to exist. After 
solving this issue I ran into another one where I had to put conditionals 
around all the registry resources anyway since the path is invalid if the 
current user isn't logged in. This is caused by another hack of using HKU 
and the SID (
If the puppetlabs/registry module implements support for HKU (
https://tickets.puppetlabs.com/browse/MODULES-422) then I won't need that 
work around. I could leave the conditionals and remove the stages but I 
sorta like the stages since it makes it very clear that the user has to be 
created first.

>> I am using Windows 7 x64, Puppet Open Source 3.4.2, and Hiera 1.3.1
> And I suppose you are running masterless, via 'puppet apply'.  What you 
> have now makes some sense for such a context, but not so much for a 
> master/agent setup.

I am actually running a client/server setup.

> autologon.pp manifest
>> class autologon ($username, $password) {
>>     stage { 'user-creation':
>>         before => Stage['main'],
>>     }
>>     class {'autologon-internal':
>>         stage => user-creation,
>>         username => $username,
>>         password => $password,
>>     }
>>     reboot { 'user-creation':
>>         subscribe => Stage['user-creation']
>>     }
>>     class autologon-internal ($username, $password) {
>>         user { $username:
>>             ensure => present,
>>             groups => 'Users',
>>             membership => inclusive,
>>             password => $password,
>>         }
>>         registry_value { "HKLM\\software\\microsoft\\windows 
>> nt\\currentversion\\winlogon\\defaultusername":
>>             ensure => present,
>>             type   => string,
>>             data   => $username,
>>         }
>>         registry_value { "HKLM\\software\\microsoft\\windows 
>> nt\\currentversion\\winlogon\\defaultdomainname":
>>             ensure => present,
>>             type   => string,
>>             data   => $hostname,
>>         }
>>         registry_value { "HKLM\\software\\microsoft\\windows 
>> nt\\currentversion\\winlogon\\defaultpassword":
>>             ensure => present,
>>             type   => string,
>>             data   => $password,
>>         }
>>         registry_value { "HKLM\\software\\microsoft\\windows 
>> nt\\currentversion\\winlogon\\autoadminlogon":
>>             ensure => present,
>>             type   => string,
>>             data   => '1',
>>         }
>>     }
>> }
>> hiera yaml file
>> ---
>> classes:
>>   - autologon
>> autologon::username: "myusername"
>> autologon::password: "mypassword"
> I have serious concerns about this general strategy, though some of them 
> may be mitigated by the context in which you plan to use it.  First, 
> autologon is mildly evil in and of itself.  If you nevertheless intend to 
> leave these systems set up with autologon enabled then ok, but if that 
> would be an issue then you are playing with fire.  If you insist on playing 
> with fire then your approach is incomplete: it needs a way to detect 
> whether autologon is needed, a way to proactively disable it when unneeded, 
> and a way to force the erstwhile autologon user to be logged out once his 
> profile is configured.
> Furthermore, if either now or in the future you will need to configure 
> multiple profiles on the same machine, then your general approach is 
> inadequate.  You can only configure one autologon user at a time, so you 
> need some way to detect which among your multiple profiles need to be 
> created, and to set each in turn for autologon.  It is probably doable, but 
> eww.  And then, too, Puppet will need to reboot the machine once for each 
> missing profile.  And you had better make sure that Puppet will never do 
> this when the machine is in use.  And no, scheduling is not in general an 
> adequate solution to that issue.
> If you are running Puppet as a daemon, and you can accommodate the profile 
> not being configured until some time (up to about Puppet's run interval) 
> after the user first logs in, then you can avoid all the autologon and 
> rebooting nonsense.  Instead, let Puppet configure the profile only if it 
> exists.  That should be much simpler.
> Alternatively, if you are on a domain then you could consider using 
> roaming profiles.  Or, if you have some suitable machine under your control 
> on which you could create a profile for the user(s), then you might be able 
> to use the User State Migration Tool to create a copy of that profile that 
> you can subsequently install on other machines without the user logging 
> on.  (Don't ask me for details on that last; I'm just echoing a suggestion 
> from here: 
> http://community.spiceworks.com/topic/247395-create-a-user-profile-without-logon
> ).
> John

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