Johan De Wit <> writes:

> I'm very interested in your improvement.  Is it available for the
> public  somewhere ?

No, there is just too much site-specific stuff hardcoded in
there. Basically, it:

- grabs the host's entry in LDAP, or bombs out if it doesn't exist
- extracts the puppetclass attribute and adds a few implicit classes: a
  common base class, a few additional classes for NRPE plugins derived
  from the host's Nagios configuration (which is also in LDAP), maybe
  a couple of other classes for managing local users and groups, and so
- extracts the puppetvar attribute
- for each puppetvar, simply add it to the list of parameters if it does
  not contain the string "::"
- if the puppetvar does contain the string "::", it is of the form
  class::parameter (or module::class::parameter or whatever); add it to
  the relevant class parameters list (or bomb out if the class is not

Add in a lot of special cases, mix, and output as YAML when you're
done. :-) By the way, it's written in Python as I already had a few
local LDAP helper libraries but that's an implementation detail.


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