Thanks for the response! (inline)

> So we have recently implemented the pem based storage options, but in 
> the passed we pushed people to use the truststore configuration 
> instead: 
> This forced a user to create a traditional JKS store and put their CA 
> certificates in that. I haven't tested it, but this probably accepts 
> multiple CA certificates. Have you tried this yet? I would need to run 
> up a test myself to do this, if this sounds sort of like what you are 
> after happy to help. I'm not positive it works - but this feels like 
> the way to do it for now. 
> If it doesn't work, we can work towards solving it properly, but going 
> forward, the ability to specify multiple ca certificates for the 
> ssl-ca-cert setting sounds like another viable option: 

So, I didn't have any problems setting up the puppetdb to use the CA we 
want to use (and we have puppet defines that take care of requesting the 
certs from certmaster, installing them, etc.).  I'm actually using puppetdb 
behind apache (reverse proxy to non-ssl port) since I prefer not to mess 
with keystores when I can help it, but I am pretty confident we'd have no 
problem using the JKS approach either if we were serving the SSL directly 
from Jetty.  (We have lots of puppet manifest to help with managing JKS 
stores for other Java apps we run.)

My problem is with puppetmaster trying to talk to puppetdb.  The cert 
verify is failed.  Trying to grep through puppet code, it looks like it 
adds the $ssldir/certs/ca.pem file as the [only] valid authority for the 
https connections.  I tried pasting more certs into that file -- looking at 
Net::HTTP ruby module for reference it says ca_file can include multiple 
certs.  But still getting the permission denied error.  Maybe it is using 
the /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem instead of 
/var/lib/puppetmaster/ssl/certs/ca.pem?  (This is a puppet-managed 
puppetmaster so we have two trees.)  Anyway, I will continue poking at it. 
 I have no idea if changing the contents of certs/ca.pem is going to break 

> > Hope this makes sense!  I see a few different ca.pem files, but am 
> unsure if 
> > I can just start concatenating stuff onto these and whether that will 
> break 
> > puppetmaster's signing, etc. 
> Hmm. Not sure either, probably won't work. 
Yeah, we'll see.  This doesn't look promising.

It would be really nice if there was a way to say "hey, puppet[master] for 
your outbound https connections, here's a ca-bundle.pem you can use to 
verify servers".  The idea that we'd use the puppetmaster CA *seems* wrong 
here.  Especially in an environment like ours where we have many (dozens) 
of puppetmasters that each manage their own little ecosystems.  (And we 
don't really want to force a single CA.)

Maybe I've misunderstood something, though.

Thanks again!

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