It is there, just where Eric said it was. No need to get upset.

It might be helpful to mention where the time notation format can be found
in the sections where it is used. Would preempt issues like this in the

On May 28, 2013 1:46 PM, "Tim Schaefer" <> wrote:

> Item 175: runinterval
> How often puppet agent applies the client configuration; in seconds. Note
> that a runinterval of 0 means “run continuously” rather than “never run.”
> If you want puppet agent to never run, you should start it with the
> --no-client option. Can be specified as a duration.
>    - *Default*: 30m
> So, do I put 15m? 900?  900s?  There is nothing there that says anything
> you just said.
> None of what you said is in the runinterval documentation.  This is the
> first I've ever seen it.  You need to update your docs.
> And don't tell me to go over to forge, that's a lazy, inexcusable
> response.  You can do better.  I don't mind hacking but really when there
> is no where else to find this information you have a responsibility to
> document in a clear, unambiguous form.
> Thanks,
> Tim
> On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 12:07 PM, Eric Sorenson <
>> wrote:
>> Top of the page, just under the headers:
>> Settings that represent time intervals should be specified in duration
>> format: an integer immediately followed by one of the units ‘y’ (years of
>> 365 days), ‘d’ (days), ‘h’ (hours), ‘m’ (minutes), or ‘s’ (seconds). The
>> unit cannot be combined with other units, and defaults to seconds when
>> omitted. Examples are ‘3600’ which is equivalent to ‘1h’ (one hour), and
>> ‘1825d’ which is equivalent to ‘5y’ (5 years).
>> On Tuesday, May 28, 2013 7:07:34 AM UTC-7, Tim Schaefer wrote:
>>> OK so is it minutes or seconds for runinterval?
>>> And what's the correct format!!!!
>>> Please put an example in the docs!!!!!
>>> Do I use 15m for 15 minutes or is it 900 for 900 seconds?????
>>> I hate ambiguity in documentation!!!!!  Be precise!
>>  --
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> --
> Tim Schaefer
> iphone 650-839-3277
> voip     650-646-9636
> email
> web     A System Architect <>
> skype asystemarchitect
> --
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