On Friday, May 10, 2013 1:13:32 PM UTC-5, James Kyle wrote:
> Wait, this is at the bottom of the modules/apt/manifests/source.pp: 
>   # Need anchor to provide containment for dependencies.
>   anchor { "apt::source::${name}":
>     require => Class['apt::update'],
>   }
> Could that do it? That's the Class[apt::update] -> 
> Anchor[apt::source::puppetlabs] -> Exec[apt_update] cycle right?
That could and would do it.  And it looks wrong, in that it appears to be 
saying that Apt sources should be applied after running "apt-get update".

Nan: github fingers you as the person responsible for (the current version 
of) that anchor in puppetlabs-apt.  Do I misunderstand its meaning or 
purpose?  Do you agree that it is incorrect?  (Else, why not?)  If it is 
indeed incorrect, then what would you say it should be?


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