On Thu, May 9, 2013 at 11:52 AM, James Kyle <li...@jameskyle.org> wrote:

> I've run into several incidences where a module attempts to install a
> package before the apt::source is added or an update is run. Result is a
> bunch apt errors and explosions.
> Basically what should be done is all the apt::sources are added and and an
> update run _before_ any packages are installed to ensure you're pulling
> from the repos you want.
> I've gone through several iterations in my attempt to achieve that
> behavior. The one that works best so far is stages and wrapper classes.
> Here's a terse example of what it looks like:
> class myorg::common {
>   include stdlib
>   Apt::Source {stage => "setup"}
>   apt::source { 'puppetlabs':
>     location   => 'http://apt.puppetlabs.com',
>     repos      => 'main',
>     key        => '4BD6EC30',
>     key_server => 'pgp.mit.edu',
>   }
>   Exec['apt_update'] -> Package<|  title != 'ubuntu-cloud-keyring' |>
> }
> node 'foo.bar.com' {
>   include stdlib
>   class {'myorg::common': stage => "setup"}
> }
> One thing that bothers me is you have to declare the stage for
> myorg::common in every node that uses it. And as the name implies, that's
> every node.
> Is there a way to get rid of that duplication? I've thought of node
> inheritance, but the docs seem to strongly steer you away from that pattern.

Doesn't the relationship do the right thing without stages? Does this work?

class myorg::common (
  $staging  = 'setup',
) { ...


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