I solve this problem. Thank you.
By one pass the next task solved:
1) creating-change groups
2) creating-change users
3) remove users
4) remove groups

Groups and Users list are virtual in class.
The construction must be next:

  if $fqdn =~ /ru-msk-tes-front.russia.test/ {
    Group <| title == 'prot' or title == 'sysadmins' |>
    ->  User <| title == 'prot'  |>{ groups => ['prot', 'sysadmins'], 
before => Group['admins', 'developers', 'brauser', 'noname', 'pepers', 
'redeyes', 'test_group1', 'test_group2', 'admin', 'vakov', 'omenko', 
'harev', 'sky'] }
    ->  User <| title == 'admin' or title == 'vakov' or title == 'omenko' 
or title == 'harev' or title == 'sky' |>{ ensure => 'absent', managehome => 
'false', }   ->    Group <| title == 'admins' or title == 'developers' or 
title == 'brauser' or title == 'noname' or title == 'pepers' or title == 
'redeyes' or title == 'test_group1' or title == 'test_group2' or title == 
'admin' or title == 'vakov' or title == 'omenko' or title == 'harev' or 
title == 'sky' |>{ ensure => 'absent' }

пятница, 15 февраля 2013 г., 19:34:39 UTC+4 пользователь jcbollinger 
> On Friday, February 15, 2013 12:35:59 AM UTC-6, Vlados Vlados wrote:
>> Please help.
>> I using virtual resource @user and @group.
>> If i using next construction i get error with cycles
>> class  users {
>>   Group <| ENABLED_GROUPS |>   ->    User <| ENABLED_USERS' |> ->  User 
>> <| DISABLED_USERS' |>      ->    Group <| DISABLED_GROUPS |> 
>> }
>> This construction good, but puppet don't want change gid before delete 
>> vacant group.
>> class  users {
>>   Group <| ENABLED_GROUPS |>   ->    User <| ENABLED_USERS' |>
>>   User <| DISABLED_USERS' |>      ->    Group <| DISABLED_GROUPS |> 
>> }
>> I think, firstly,  gid must apply to user. Then delete vacant group.
>> I got error
>> Notice: /Stage[main]/Users::Groups_list/Group[shvakov]/ensure: created
>> Notice: /Stage[main]/Users::Groups_list/Group[developers]/ensure: removed
>> Error: Could not delete group admins: Execution of '/usr/sbin/groupdel 
>> admins' returned 8: groupdel: cannot remove the primary group of user 
>> 'shvakov'
>> Error: /Stage[main]/Users::Groups_list/Group[admins]/ensure: change from 
>> present to absent failed: Could not delete group admins: Execution of 
>> '/usr/sbin/groupdel admins' returned 8: groupdel: cannot remove the primary 
>> group of user 'shvakov'
>> Notice: /Stage[main]/Users::Users_list/User[shvakov]/gid: gid changed 
>> '1888800000' to '10110'
>> Notice: Finished catalog run in 3.32 seconds
>> How change gid before delete group?
> Something along the lines of your first approach should work, though I'm 
> not sure you need to separate the Users into enabled and disabled 
> collections.  The key is to get the ordering relationships set up 
> correctly, so the thing to look at is the dependency cycle(s) that Puppet 
> reported.  You didn't show that, so I can't give you specific advice, but 
> there are several possible problems there, including:
>    1. the selection predicates in your collections might not be correctly 
>    partitioning the groups and / or users into disjoint sets;
>    2. you may elsewhere be declaring relationships among the users and 
>    groups that close a cycle when combined with the ones here;
>    3. the chain operators, or their combination with collections, may be 
>    failing to correctly overrule the automatic relationship Puppet generates 
>    between managed users and their managed primary group (i.e. there may be a 
>    bug here).
> These resources may be helpful:
>    - http://docs.puppetlabs.com/learning/ordering.html
>    - 
> http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/3/reference/lang_relationships.html(note 
> especially the comments about what collectors do and don't collect)
> Good luck,
> John

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