Please help.
I using virtual resource @user and @group.

If i using next construction i get error with cycles
class  users {
  Group <| ENABLED_GROUPS |>   ->    User <| ENABLED_USERS' |> ->  User 
<| DISABLED_USERS' |>      ->    Group <| DISABLED_GROUPS |> 

This construction good, but puppet don't want change gid before delete 
vacant group.
class  users {
  Group <| ENABLED_GROUPS |>   ->    User <| ENABLED_USERS' |>
  User <| DISABLED_USERS' |>      ->    Group <| DISABLED_GROUPS |> 

I think, firstly,  gid must apply to user. Then delete vacant group.

I got error
Notice: /Stage[main]/Users::Groups_list/Group[shvakov]/ensure: created
Notice: /Stage[main]/Users::Groups_list/Group[developers]/ensure: removed

Error: Could not delete group admins: Execution of '/usr/sbin/groupdel 
admins' returned 8: groupdel: cannot remove the primary group of user 
Error: /Stage[main]/Users::Groups_list/Group[admins]/ensure: change from 
present to absent failed: Could not delete group admins: Execution of 
'/usr/sbin/groupdel admins' returned 8: groupdel: cannot remove the primary 
group of user 'shvakov'

Notice: /Stage[main]/Users::Users_list/User[shvakov]/gid: gid changed 
'1888800000' to '10110'
Notice: Finished catalog run in 3.32 seconds

How change gid before delete group?

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