On Friday, January 11, 2013 12:01:52 PM UTC-6, Erik Dalén wrote:
> At least in puppet 3 resource defaults are local to defines and classes 
> and doesn't get inherited to any included defines or classes. So to make 
> upgrading easier you shouldn't make any such assumptions in your code.

That is not correct (see 
http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/3/reference/lang_defaults.html).  The 
problem is that resource defaults are dynamically scoped (even in Puppet 
3), not lexically scoped.  Roughly speaking, that means defaults follow the 
chain of declarations, regardless of the location of the definitions of the 
classes and definitions in the chain.

Thus, if the OP's original code declared a File resource directly in class 
nginx::config, then File defaults declared in that class would apply to 
it.  If it declared an nginx::config::extra instance directly in class 
nginx::config, then the File defaults of nginx::config and of nginx::config 
extra would apply to it.

But if an instance of nginx::config::extra is declared by class 
mymodule::foo, then the File defaults that apply to that instance are those 
that apply in  mymodule::foo, as modified by the default declarations 
appearing directly in nginx::config::extra.

Moving the File defaults declaration from nginx::config into the definition 
is a perfectly valid way to achieve the desired result.

Dynamic scoping of resource defaults can indeed produce surprises, but 
assuming local scope for defaults is not the solution (that incorrect 
assumption could also produce surprises).  There would, however, be less 
likelihood of confusion in the present case if the definition were not 
nested inside a class.  PuppetLabs style recommendations include to avoid 
nesting classes or definitions inside classes, and I am convinced that 
following that recommendation yields better code.


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