
I'm have this in my nginx module:

class nginx::package {
  package { 'nginx': ensure => latest }
  ### there is more code here handling different ditro versions ... etc
class nginx::service {
  service { 'nginx':
    ensure     => running,
    enable     => true,
    hasrestart => true,
    restart    => '/etc/init.d/nginx reload',
    require    => Class['nginx::package', 'nginx::config'],
    subscribe  => Class['nginx::package', 'nginx::config'],
  ### there is more code here ...

class nginx::config {
  File {
    require => Class['nginx::package'],
    notify  => Class['nginx::service'],

  define extra ($source=nil, $template=nil) {
    file { "/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/$name":
      source => $source
    if $require {
      File["/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/$name"] {
        require +> $require
    if $notify {
      File["/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/$name"] {
        notify +> $notify

When I originally wrote this, it was actually working and adding
nginx::config::extra did notify nginx::service, but now it somewhat doesn't
(Puppet 2.7.11). Could it be a recent bug or it only seemed to work?

Actually, I realise now that I may have had Puppet 2.7.17 when I was
testing this originally ... could it be something that has been fixed after


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