On Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 04:18:02AM -0800, Gavin Williams wrote:
> Ok, I've come back to this functionality, and need to move it along... 
> My challenge now is how I can use the oratab resource to trigger other 
> actions... 
> So if oratab creates a new entry in /etc/oratab, then I want to ideally 
> call a define which will go away and create the require directory 
> structure, mount NFS volumes and add details to fstab... 
> Any ideas???
> Cheers
> Gavin 

Why do you need the resource to "trigger" anything? I guess you are
already using puppet to define your instances so you can do something

    define oracle::instance($home, ...) {
      # some instance specific subdirectory
      file { "/u01/app/oracle/admin/${name}":
        ensure => directory}
      # some instance specific mount
      mount { ...${name}:
        ensure => mounted,
      file { "responsefile_for_${name}":
        ensure  => file,
        content => template("responsefile.cfg.erb",
      exec { "install_db_${name}"
        command => 
        creates => 'some_flagfile_the_wrapperscript_creates_on_success',
        require => File["responsefile_for_${name}"],
      oratab { $name:
        ensure => present,
        home   => $home,
        atboot => yes,


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