Search and ye shall find... 

Some more searching and came back with:

Tweaked the config and it worked as expected... Although it's possibly 
highlighted an issue whereby the notify is getting triggered on every 
run... Not only when a new entry is created... 
Probably me misunderstanding the Notify functionality... 

If that is the case, is there another way I could achieve it?


On Thursday, 22 November 2012 12:18:02 UTC, Gavin Williams wrote:
> Ok, I've come back to this functionality, and need to move it along... 
> My challenge now is how I can use the oratab resource to trigger other 
> actions... 
> So if oratab creates a new entry in /etc/oratab, then I want to ideally 
> call a define which will go away and create the require directory 
> structure, mount NFS volumes and add details to fstab... 
> Any ideas???
> Cheers
> Gavin 
> On Sunday, 4 November 2012 21:18:13 UTC, Gavin Williams wrote:
>> Ok, that would work... 
>> One further question though... How could I use that to trigger a further 
>> process when creates a new oratab entry? 
>> As there's various other things that are needed for the db such as a 
>> folder structure, 5 nfs mounts, and oranfstab changes... Guess I could wrap 
>> all of that up into a single define.. Would just need some way of 
>> triggering it... 
>> Gav 

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