If you're using this wget module


It's set to not run so long as the destination is still there, so 
/tmp/Python-${version}.tgz needs to stick around. I'm not sure which 
archive module you're using, but as long as you have that require there, it 
should follow.

On Friday, October 26, 2012 6:55:32 AM UTC-7, Dave Mankoff wrote:
> Howdy. I feel like I am missing something really simply with regards to 
> the way that Puppet works and I am wondering if someone can point me in the 
> write direction.
> I have written a class that downloads, uncompresses, compiles, and 
> installs Python from source. So far so good. The problem is that it only 
> needs to do this once, when Python is not already in place (or some other 
> custom indicator of the Python version). I have my 3 calls to exec doing 
> their checks just fine, but my calls to wget::fetch and archive::untar both 
> fire during every apply. Specifically, archive::untar takes about 30 
> seconds to run and I'd prefer it if it only ran conditionally. 
> What is the best way to make sure that this code:
>   wget::fetch { "python-${version}":
>     source => "
> http://python.org/ftp/python/${version}/Python-${version}.tgz";,
>     destination => "/tmp/Python-${version}.tgz",
>   }
>   archive::untar {"/tmp/python-${version}":
>     source => "/tmp/Python-${version}.tgz",
>     compression => 'gz',
>     rootdir => "Python-${version}",
>     require => Wget::Fetch["python-${version}"],
>   }
> only runs when some condition is met? I can easily put a custom file in 
> place to look for, but how do I make these commands dependent on its 
> absence? I tried making such a file and subscribing to it, but these 
> commands still ran each time.

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