On Monday, October 22, 2012 12:26:15 PM UTC-5, Nan Liu wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 7:37 AM, jcbollinger 
> <john.bo...@stjude.org<javascript:>> 
> wrote: 
> > PL put a lot of effort into improving parametrized classes for Puppet 3, 
> and 
> > they are indeed better.  As I have lately written, I think the result 
> > rescues a lot of parametrized classes that are already in use.  That 
> doesn't 
> > mean that it's a good idea to write new parametrized classes even for 
> Puppet 
> > 3, however. 
> I'm curious what's your perceived shortcomings in Puppet 3 with 
> parametrized classes with hiera lookup builtin? 
The key problem is not with the parametrized classes themselves, but with 
using parametrized-style class declarations.  Puppet 3 still will not 
accept a parametrized-style class declaration except as the first 
declaration of that class, and that makes such declarations dangerous at 
best and useless at worst.  Given that Puppet cannot accept inconsistent 
declarations of a given class, why does it make sense for the language to 
facilitate them?  Isn't this similar in kind to the problem with dynamic 

Sure, you can use 'include' everywhere instead, but then what did you need 
class parametrization for in the first place?  We had a bit of a discussion 
on that question last week, actually: 
https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/puppet-users/dICUPHn3azY .  I'm not 
persuaded that class parametrization any longer has any value beyond 
backwards compatibility now that hiera is in the core.


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