On Sunday, October 21, 2012 6:02:39 PM UTC-5, Guzmán Brasó wrote:
> John,
> I'm new to puppet and your mails confuse me a little bit... if 
> parameterized classes are not recommended and you suggest when dealing with 
> someone else parameterized class to set it through hiera (Puppet 3). 
> Then I don't understand how to proceed with puppet 2 modules...

Here are some of your better choices, none of them especially good:

   1. Upgrade your master to Puppet 3.  The clients can stay at 2.7 if you 
   2. Avoid third-party modules whose interfaces involve parametrized 
   classes, unless they have built-in hiera support.
   3. Be very careful and deliberate with the placement of your 
   parametrized-style class declarations, and expect to troubleshoot parse 
   order issues from time to time.

> Should I hack every module I need to set the defaults inside the module?

That's an option too, but I wouldn't recommend it.

> And if making a module, without using parameters, how I can reuse the 
> module with different defaults ? Should I create a different params.pp for 
> each scenario I need and then include it inheriting each one of the 
> defaults, this would be a mess to deal with large arquitectures with many 
> different types of nodes.

That is what hiera is for.  Although not integrated into the core until 
Puppet 3, hiera is a widely-used add-on to Puppet 2.  Instead of

class mymodule::foo (
  $param1 = 'default1',
  $param2 = 'default2' ) {
  # declarations

I recommend some variation on

class mymodule::foo {
  $param1 = hiera('foo::param1', 'default1')
  $param2 = hiera('foo::param2', 'default2')
  # declarations

Then put any needed 'parameter' customizations into your hiera data.  That 
way not only can you avoid parametrized-style class declarations, but you 
also achieve separation of your data from your code.


> I'm sorry to ask but since we started using puppet (a few months ago) we 
> started doing everything with parameters as puppet docs said on 
> http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/parameterized_classes.html and since 
> then we had no issue (yet) with it.  And now you say that parameters are a 
> sickness and should not be used. Then how on Puppet 2? And why it's still 
> puppet docs still recommending it?
Puppetlabs heavily promoted parametrized classes starting with their 
release as part of Puppet 2.6.  Evidently, they perceived and continue to 
perceive substantial demand for such a feature.  That doesn't mean it was 
ever a good idea.

Having promoted the feature so effectively puts PuppetLabs in a difficult 
position.  At least some of their people will acknowledge the problems with 
parametrized classes, at least in Puppet 2.x.  I can only speculate about 
company policy here, but it would be reasonable for PL to judge that doing 
an about-face on parametrized classes could present credibility and trust 
issues for the company.

PL put a lot of effort into improving parametrized classes for Puppet 3, 
and they are indeed better.  As I have lately written, I think the result 
rescues a lot of parametrized classes that are already in use.  That 
doesn't mean that it's a good idea to write new parametrized classes even 
for Puppet 3, however.

And of course, a lot of people are using parametrized classes 
successfully.  My argument has never been that they don't work, only that 
they exact unneeded costs in productivity and stability relative to the 
best available alternative.  Those costs will scale with the number of 
dependencies between classes.


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