On Tuesday, July 17, 2012 2:02:10 PM UTC-5, ZJE wrote:
> On Tuesday, July 17, 2012 12:29:52 PM UTC-5, Jeff McCune wrote:
>> On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 9:49 AM, Nan Liu <> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 8:34 AM, ZJE <> wrote:
>>> > I'd like to reuse the same ruby code in a type across all the 
>>> providers. For
>>> > the type I'm writing, a certain portion of the "exists?" method would 
>>> be
>>> > repeated across all providers. From looking at the documentation,
>>> > http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/custom_types.html, it's not quite 
>>> clear
>>> > how I can accomplish this.  I've looked at writing a function, but that
>>> > seems to be for a larger scope than I'd like (only the providers in 
>>> that
>>> > module would need this code) and requires a restart of the puppet 
>>> master.
>>> Look at puppetlabs registry provider[1] for an example where
>>> modules/registry is shared between registry_key and registry_value.
>> We've actually got this wrong in the registry module currently.  Shared 
>> utility code should not go into the Puppet namespace at all.
>> The convention we've "standardized" [1] on is:
>> "Start with PuppetX, put the CamelCase of your author name (from the 
>> Modulefile), then put the actual CamelCase of your module name"
>> So the registry module should be PuppetX::PuppetLabs::Registry living in 
>> '<modulepath>/registry/lib/puppet_x/puppet_labs/registry.rb'
>> Puppet::Modules::Registry is a bad example and should not be followed.
>> [1] http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/14149
>> -Jeff
> Thanks Nan and Jeff for the replies! I'm new to both puppet and ruby, so 
> let me sketch out what I'm thinking I should do based on the replies.
> Let's say I'm creating a type FOO in module MODULE. I should then create a 
> file in $confdir/modules/MODULE/lib/puppet/shared.rb
> Inside this shared.rb, I would then implement my shared methods in the 
> PuppetX::ZJE::FOO module
> For some additional info, I'm using puppet 3.0.0rc3
> Thanks again for all the help!

Sorry, don't know how I missed the path in your earlier code - so it should 


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