On Jul 6, 2012, at 3:26 PM, Mike Reed wrote:

> Hey Guys,
> Thank you Peter and John for your continued input into this one.   I 
> absolutely agree with both of you about building our own packages and as I've 
> been working with puppet and trying to configure these systems, it's become 
> apparent that our own internal repository would be beneficial for a number of 
> reasons.
> With that said, I'm quite new to the 'nix world and I suspect building out 
> packages/repository would take a little time and probably a few days of 
> googl'in.  So for the very immediate future, I'd like to get this working so 
> I can get our initial puppet build going.  packages/repository are definitely 
> on my list tho.

I get need to prioritize your to-do list, but do it sooner rather than later. :)

> I'd like to quickly mention that the impetus behind this is that I'd like to 
> run this against machines that we've built up without puppet and if possible, 
> I'd like to refrain from things like the below manifest being run on a 
> machine which already has boost installed, albeit manually without puppet.
> I changed the class to the following:
> class boost_install {
>         # This will place the gzip locally in /tmp.  File is pulled from 
> puppet.
>         file { "/tmp/boost_1_41_0.tar.bz2" :
>                 source  => "puppet:///boost_install/boost_1_41_0.tar.bz2" ,
>                 ensure  => present ,
>         }
>         # This will extract the boost gzip to the /tmp directory.
>         exec { "untar_boost" :
>                 command => "tar -xjvf /tmp/boost_1_41_0.tar.bz2" ,
>                 cwd     => "/tmp/" ,
>                 creates => "/tmp/boost_1_41_0" ,
>                 path    => ["/bin" , "/usr/sbin"] ,
>                 require => File["/tmp/boost_1_41_0.tar.bz2"] ,
>         }
>         # This will run the boost bootstrapper
>         exec { "/tmp/boost_1_41_0/bootstrap.sh" :
>                 subscribe => Exec["untar_boost"] ,
>         }
> }
> From the above code, I expect a few things to happen:
> 1. The exec "untar_boost" should only fire if "/tmp/boost_1_41_0.tar.bz2" is 
> present

Correct, and because of your 'creates' parameter, it won't run again on 
consecutive runs.

> 2. The exec "/tmp/boost_1_41_0/bootstrap.sh" should only fire if the untar 
> boost occurs, which I believe is dependent upon the file being in that 
> location.


> (I'm thinking this will work as a temporary dependency as I'm not sure how to 
> make a dependency for the initial file being pulled down.  In other words, I 
> expect the file to be pulled down on every run which I guess is something 
> I'll have to fix later).  I'm thinking if I change from /tmp to something 
> like /usr/src/puppet_pkgs then the files won't be deleted upon reboot and I 
> can use them as a temporary placeholder until I figure out a more elegant 
> solution to this hack that I've put together.

The file won't be pulled down on every run unless is gets removed from /tmp. 
Because you can't count on files sticking around in /tmp, I don't like to use 
it as a destination for any of my file resources. Your /usr/src/puppet_pkgs 
idea is a good one -- at least until you start packaging your software 
deployments. I recommend putting "start using fpm" on your to-do list, as well: 
https://github.com/jordansissel/fpm/ -- It's a huge time-saver and makes 
package creation dead-simple.

Peter Bukowinski

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