On Jul 6, 2012, at 12:53 AM, Mike Reed <mjohn.r...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I'm looking to run multiple commands via exec within a single class like so:
> class boost_install {
>         # This will place the gzip locally in /tmp.  File is pulled from 
> puppet.
>         file { "/tmp/boost_1_41_0.tar.bz2" :
>                 source  => "puppet:///boost_install/boost_1_41_0.tar.bz2" ,
>                 ensure  => present ,
>         }
>         # This will extract the boost gzip to the /tmp directory.
>         # This will untar only if the /tmp/boost_1_41_0 directory does not 
> exist.
>         exec { "tar -xjvf /tmp/boost_1_41_0.tar.bz2" :
>                 cwd     => "/tmp/" ,
>                 creates => "/tmp/boost_1_41_0" ,
>                 path    => ["/bin" , "/usr/sbin"] ,
>         }
>         # This will run the boost bootstrapper. bjam should be run after this.
>         # This will only run if the ls command returns a 1.
>         # The unless will have to be redone because we have no way of 
> upgrading easily and this is sloppy.
>         exec    { "/tmp/boost_1_41_0/bootstrap.sh" :
>                 unless  => 'ls /usr/local/include/boost' ,
>                 path    => ["/bin/" , "/sbin/" , "/usr/bin/" , "/usr/sbin/"] ,
>         }
>         # This will run the boost bjam modifier and should run only after the 
> bootstrap.sh has been run
>         # This will only run if the ls command returns a 1.
>         # This unless  will have to be redone because we have no way of 
> upgrading easily and this is sloppy.
>         exec { "/tmp/boost_1_41_0/bjam cxxflags=-fPIC install" :
>                 unless  => 'ls /usr/local/include/boost' ,
>                 path    => ["/bin/" , "/sbin/" , "/usr/bin/" , "/usr/sbin/"]  
> ,
>         }
> }
> However, after running the above class, I get the following:
> err: /Stage[main]/Boost_install/Exec[/tmp/boost_1_41_0/bootstrap.sh]/returns: 
> change from notrun to 0 failed: /tmp/boost_1_41_0/bootstrap.sh returned 1 
> instead of one of [0] at 
> /etc/puppet/modules/boost_install/manifests/init.pp:18
> err: /Stage[main]/Boost_install/Exec[/tmp/boost_1_41_0/bjam cxxflags=-fPIC 
> install]/returns: change from notrun to 0 failed: /tmp/boost_1_41_0/bjam 
> cxxflags=-fPIC install returned 1 instead of one of [0] at 
> /etc/puppet/modules/boost_install/manifests/init.pp:21
> notice: Finished catalog run in 1.31 seconds
> I was under the impression that I should be getting the "install returned 1" 
> output but it's usually silent and the command doesn't run.  I'm assuming 
> that neither the bootstrap or bjam commands should run as the 
> /usr/local/include/boost directories exist on the machine and I'm expecting 
> the "ls" to return a 0; which it does on the machine because those 
> directories exist.
> I'm obviously missing something here and I'm looking for some direction.
> I do suspect that this can be done in a more elegant fashion especially since 
> the bjam command is dependent upon the bootstrap.sh script running but I was 
> hoping to at least get this working.
> Thanks in advance for the thoughts.

Puppet manifests do not run in a top-down manner, but instead run 
semi-randomly. Because your file and exec resources need to run in a specific 
order, you need to define that order specifically. You can accomplish this by 
keeping the order you have and simply adding a 'require' parameter to each that 
points to the previous resource.

Even better would be to convert the entire thing into a single package/rpm that 
you keep in a repository and have puppet install it with a single 'package' 

Peter Bukowinski

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