On 08.04.2012 00:46, Michael Stahnke wrote:
>>> Puppet seems way too clumber some with the amount of dependencies
>>> required so far.
>> Seriously: use the packages of your distribution or the YUM/APT repos by
>> Puppetlabs if you want to start with all the 2.7 features right now (I
>> would recommend that - why learning and maintain old stuff if you just
>> start to use Puppet?). Or are you running Puppet on windows (=no
>> repositories available)?

> But an MSI is available for windows: http://downloads.puppetlabs.com/windows

Cool, even better. Since when does a Puppet MSI exist?
However: One more reason why I can't understand the "Puppet seems way
too clumber some with the amount of dependencies required so
far"-statement. :-)

Andreas <http://blog.andreas-haerter.com>

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