
I finally got puppet to run.
My first test successfully created a file with content, I specified in
the init.pp for this client.

After that I wanted to install a msi package. (Firefox)

I placed it into the right place on the Puppetmaster and created
following init.pp
class windows() {
file { 'c:/PuppetOrdner/sshd_config':
      ensure  => file,
      owner => 'administrator',
      content  => 'That's a Windows Test',

file { "c:/Software":
  ensure => directory,

file { 'c:/Software/FirefoxESR-10.0.2-de.msi':
  ensure => present,
  source => 'puppet:///modules/windows/FirefoxESR-10.0.2-de.msi',

package { 'FirefoxESR-10.0.2-de.msi':
  ensure => installed,
  provider => 'msi',
  source => 'c:/Software/FirefoxESR-10.0.2-de.msi',
  install_options => { 'INSTALLDIR' => 'C:\Programme' },
  require => File['c:/Software/FirefoxESR-10.0.2-de.msi'],


As you can see, I want to create the directory c:\Software --> Place
my Firefox.msi from the Puppetmaster into the directory c.\Software on
the client and finally install this msi.

Running puppet agent --test results in following output:

err: /Stage[main]/Windows/File[c:/Software/FirefoxESR-10.0.2-de.msi]:
Could not evaluate: Could not retrieve information from environment
deployment source(s)
puppet:///modules/windows/FirefoxESR-10.0.2-de.msi at /var/lib/
notice: /Stage[main]/Windows/Package[FirefoxESR-10.0.2-de.msi]:
Dependency File[c:/Software/FirefoxESR-10.0.2-de.msi] has failures:
warning: /Stage[main]/Windows/Package[FirefoxESR-10.0.2-de.msi]:
Skipping because of failed dependencies
notice: Finished catalog run in 1.36 seconds

I think the problem is, puppet wnats to install the msi package, but
puppet doesn't copy it to the destination folder I told.
As a result puppet outputs an error message because it wants to
install something that isn't there...

But why doess't puppet copy the msi package as I told in these lines:

file { 'c:/Software/FirefoxESR-10.0.2-de.msi':
  ensure => present,
  source => 'puppet:///modules/windows/FirefoxESR-10.0.2-de.msi',


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