I'm having a basic newbie issue, I'm unable to get the node
controllernode.vps.net to inherit the class ntp and controller node as
defined. All controllernode.vps.net is able to import from puppet is
the hosts module..I'm gessing it only imports the hosts module because
it is defined in the default node under site.pp

[root@puppet manifests]# cat nodes.pp

node basenode {
        include hosts
        include ntp

node 'controllernode.vps.net'  inherits basenode{
        include controllernode
[root@puppet manifests]# cat site.pp
node default {
        include hosts
[root@puppet manifests]# cat modules.pp
import "ntp"
import "controllernode"

[root@puppet puppet]# cd modules/
[root@puppet modules]# tree

├── controllernode
│   ├── files
│   └── manifests
│       └── init.pp

├── hosts
│   ├── files
│   │   └── hosts
│   └── manifests
│       └── init.pp

Any idea why controllernode.vps.net is not importing the
controllernode module?


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