On 01/31/2012 04:46 PM, Christopher Wood wrote:
> This sounds like you want a define rather than a class.

Possibly, but not yet determined ;-)

> gross, horrible

How so? It's not a bad example. If you dislike the data redundancy, I

define mail::mount($mount_base="/mail") {

  include nfs::client

  $mountpoint = "$mount_base/$name"

  file { $mountpoint: ensure => directory, }

  mount { $mountpoint:
    ensure => mounted,
    device => "filer:/$name",
    options =>
    fstype => 'nfs',
    atboot => true,
    require => [File[$mountpoint], Class['nfs::client']],


and then

mail::mount { [ 'mail0', 'mail1' ]: }

IMHO, there's not much more that desperately needs changing in your code.


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