Dear all,

I'm getting this "Duplicate definition" error but can't make sure
what's going wrong. I have this definition: voms in the vomscert.pp:

# /etc/puppet/modules/d_services/manifests/vomscert.pp
class d_services::vomscert {

    define voms($dir, $lsc) {

        $voms_dir = '/etc/grid-security/vomsdir'
        exec { 'chk_vomsdir':
            path          => [ '/bin', '/usr/bin' ],
            command => "test -d ${voms_dir}/${dir}",

        file { "${dir}":
            name    => "${voms_dir}/${dir}/${lsc}",
            mode    => '0644', owner => 'root', group => 'root',
            source  => "puppet:///modules/d_services/vomsdir/${lsc}",
            require => Exec[ 'chk_vomsdir' ];

And then, in this is in the init.pp:

# /etc/puppet/modules/d_services/manifests/init.pp:
class voms_cert {

    include d_services::vomscert

    d_services::vomscert::voms {
        dir   => 'camont',
        lsc  => '';

        dir   => 'gridpp',
        lsc  => '';

On the agent, it fails, reporting:

err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on
SERVER: Duplicate definition: Exec[chk_vomsdir] is already defined in
file /etc/puppet/modules/d_services/manifests/vomscert.pp at line 11;
cannot redefine at /etc/puppet/modules/d_services/manifests/

Any idea what am I missing?


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