On 16/12/11 19:48, Tim Mooney wrote:
> In regard to: Re: [Puppet Users] new user: need Conditional statement...:
>>> Obviously I had a syntax error here because case statement is not
>>> happy within the resource.
>> That's why the documentation says to use a selector.
>>> So, what's a recommended puppet way to do something like this? thx in
>>> advance.
>> file {
>>  "somefile" :
>>    ensure => $hasfile ? {
>>                "true"  => present,
>>                default  => absent
>>                    },
>>    source => "puppet:///somefile",
>>    owner => "root",
>> }
>> Please note that "true" is not strictly equivalent to the bareword true
>> in the puppet language :)
> Ah, perfect segue.  I had been meaning to follow up to John Bollinger
> when he earlier posted something similar that also had 'true' quoted.
> I've been through the style guide and several other areas in the
> documentation and I can't find any recommendations on whether it's better
> to use bare
>       true
>       false
> or whether it's better to quote them.  This is specifically for use in
> parameterized classes.  For example:
> foo.bar.edu.pp:
> node 'foo.bar.edu' {
>    class {'rhel':
>      version      => '5',
>      ipv6_enabled => true,
>    }
> }
> rhel/manifests/init.pp:
> class rhel($version, $ipv6_enabled='default') {
>    include rhel::common
>    case $ipv6_enabled {
>      true: {
>          class {'network': ipv6 => true }
>      }
>      false: {
>          class {'network': ipv6 => false }
>      }
>      default: {
>        case $version {
>          '5': {
>              class {'network': ipv6 => false }
>          }
>          '6': {
>              class {'network': ipv6 => true }
>          }
>          default: { fail("only version 5 and 6 of rhel are currently 
> supported")}
>        }
>      }
>    }
> }
> In other words, our default for RHEL 5 is ipv6 disabled, on RHEL 6 it's
> ipv6 enabled, but the default can be overridden for either.
> The problem is that we had to be very careful to make certain that we
> didn't quote true or false in some places and leave them as barewords
> elsewhere, or it just wouldn't work.  Mixing quoted & nonquoted gave us
> unreliable and unexpected results.

Exactly. If you intend your options to be boolean use the barewords true
and false.

> This brings me back to the questions: where in the docs is this covered,
> and what are the recommendations for whether we should (or shouldn't) be
> quoting true & false when passing them around into parameterized classes
> and testing them in selectors?

I don't know if it's covered in the documentation.

Puppet has the notion of true/false (ie the boolean). Any puppet
conditional expression can evaluate to either true or false.

On the other hande "true" is a string containing the word true. "false"
is a string containing the word false. It is not a boolean.

But that's where things get difficult:

if "false" {
 notice("false is true")

This will print "false is true".

The same for
$str = "false"
if $str {
 notice("false is true")

case $str {
        true: { notice("true") }
        false: { notice("false as bool") }
        "false": { notice("false as str") }

will print "false as str". So "false" != false and is not == to true.

But when converted as a boolean any strings becomes true, and that's
what happen in our if example.

We track this issue in the following ticket:

Brice Figureau
My Blog: http://www.masterzen.fr/

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