I'm not the OP Nigel, I think you meant Graham.  It sounds like Augeas
has some capabilities that I just wasn't aware of.  In any case Augeas
is not something I use if I can avoid it.  Templates and concat are my
preferred methods for managing config files.  Straightforward > clever
for the general case.

On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 12:47 PM, Nigel Kersten <ni...@puppetlabs.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 9:59 AM, Aaron Grewell <aaron.grew...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I'm not aware of any file editing method in Puppet that will modify
>> multiple files as part of the same resource.  The usual approach would
>> be to create multiple resources, one for each file, and then cause
>> each resource to notify the postfix service to restart.
> Note that you can wrap these multiple resources in a single defined resource
> so that it "looks" like a single resource from the point of view of the
> person editing the manifest code.
>>  Puppet's
>> smart enough to only restart it once.  As far as setting up the files
>> the way you want them, if you need to edit the files in place Augeas
>> is your only built-in option.  You can also do hacky things with exec
>> but it's not pleasant.  Most folks don't edit in place, they replace
>> the file with known good contents.  For that you can use templates or
>> something like puppet-concat (a third-party module that allows you to
>> build files from fragments).
>> On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 6:17 AM, Graham Leggett <minf...@sharp.fm> wrote:
>> > On 27 Nov 2011, at 20:04, Graham Leggett wrote:
>> >
>> >> I have a task to convince puppet and augeas to modify multiple postfix
>> >> files, most specifically /etc/postfix/main.cf and /etc/postifx/
>> >> acceptdomains.cf (and other LDAP related files), and I'm struggling to
>> >> find out how to do that. I have found examples on how to use augeas to
>> >> modify just one file at a time, but no information seems to be
>> >> available when multiple files are involved.
>> >>
>> >> I started with the config published here, and have no idea what to
>> >> change to convince puppet+augeas to edit both /etc/postfix/main.cf
>> >> and /etc/postfix/acceptdomains.cf at the same time:
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> https://github.com/camptocamp/puppet-postfix/blob/master/manifests/config.pp
>> >>
>> >> Does anyone have a sample configuration on how you would modify
>> >> multiple files at once, or have a clue on where to start?
>> >
>> > Answering my own question, I've discovered that augeas doesn't support
>> > multiple files at all without a custom lens being created to support it.
>> >
>> > Or to declare it more accurately, augeas only knows about specific files
>> > defined in specific locations, it has no concept of a general file in a
>> > general location that you might want to apply a lens to.
>> >
>> > I eventually worked around the issue by making a custom lens copied from
>> > the augeas postfix_main.aug lens that listed the extra ldap templates as
>> > matching a wildcard, at this point augeas started working correctly.
>> >
>> > Something else I discovered is that augeas has no error handling of any
>> > kind - if it doesn't recognise a file as matching one of the predetermined
>> > locations built into the lens, it will silently ignore the file, and not
>> > tell you why.
> Do you get the same results with the command line 'augtool' Aaron?
> If not, please bug report that we need to fix this in the Puppet Augeas
> integration.
> --
> Nigel Kersten
> Product Manager, Puppet Labs
> --
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