On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 9:59 AM, Aaron Grewell <aaron.grew...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I'm not aware of any file editing method in Puppet that will modify
> multiple files as part of the same resource.  The usual approach would
> be to create multiple resources, one for each file, and then cause
> each resource to notify the postfix service to restart.

Note that you can wrap these multiple resources in a single defined
resource so that it "looks" like a single resource from the point of view
of the person editing the manifest code.

>  Puppet's
> smart enough to only restart it once.  As far as setting up the files
> the way you want them, if you need to edit the files in place Augeas
> is your only built-in option.  You can also do hacky things with exec
> but it's not pleasant.  Most folks don't edit in place, they replace
> the file with known good contents.  For that you can use templates or
> something like puppet-concat (a third-party module that allows you to
> build files from fragments).
> On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 6:17 AM, Graham Leggett <minf...@sharp.fm> wrote:
> > On 27 Nov 2011, at 20:04, Graham Leggett wrote:
> >
> >> I have a task to convince puppet and augeas to modify multiple postfix
> >> files, most specifically /etc/postfix/main.cf and /etc/postifx/
> >> acceptdomains.cf (and other LDAP related files), and I'm struggling to
> >> find out how to do that. I have found examples on how to use augeas to
> >> modify just one file at a time, but no information seems to be
> >> available when multiple files are involved.
> >>
> >> I started with the config published here, and have no idea what to
> >> change to convince puppet+augeas to edit both /etc/postfix/main.cf
> >> and /etc/postfix/acceptdomains.cf at the same time:
> >>
> >>
> https://github.com/camptocamp/puppet-postfix/blob/master/manifests/config.pp
> >>
> >> Does anyone have a sample configuration on how you would modify
> >> multiple files at once, or have a clue on where to start?
> >
> > Answering my own question, I've discovered that augeas doesn't support
> multiple files at all without a custom lens being created to support it.
> >
> > Or to declare it more accurately, augeas only knows about specific files
> defined in specific locations, it has no concept of a general file in a
> general location that you might want to apply a lens to.
> >
> > I eventually worked around the issue by making a custom lens copied from
> the augeas postfix_main.aug lens that listed the extra ldap templates as
> matching a wildcard, at this point augeas started working correctly.
> >
> > Something else I discovered is that augeas has no error handling of any
> kind - if it doesn't recognise a file as matching one of the predetermined
> locations built into the lens, it will silently ignore the file, and not
> tell you why.

Do you get the same results with the command line 'augtool' Aaron?

If not, please bug report that we need to fix this in the Puppet Augeas

Nigel Kersten
Product Manager, Puppet Labs

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