On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 17:56, Craig White <craig.wh...@ttiltd.com> wrote:
> On Aug 10, 2011, at 9:52 AM, Daniel Pittman wrote:
>> On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 16:40, Craig White <craig.wh...@ttiltd.com> wrote:
>>> Seems I don't quite understand how it's supposed to work
>>> At the moment, I have it inside a 'file' resource
>>> content => generate("/etc/puppet/scripts/ldap-add-host.sh $fqdn 
>>> admins_all"),
>> generate("/etc/puppet/scripts/ldap-add-hosh.sh", $fqdn, "admins_all")
> ----
> that worked great but brings me to a place I can't figure out.
> A file resource doesn't have 'unless' or 'onlyif' and thus it seems to 
> execute every time.
> An exec resource doesn't have 'content' but does have command and 'unless' so 
> it would seem exec would be a better way to go but...
>  # Puppet maintained file /etc/puppet/deployment_files/ldap_admins_all
>  exec{"/etc/puppet/deployment_files/ldap_admins_all":
>    command => ['/bin/touch /etc/puppet/deployment_files/admins_all', 
> generate("/etc/puppet/scripts/ldap-add-host.sh", $fqdn, "admins_all")],
>    unless  => "/bin/ls -l /etc/puppet/deployment_files/ldap_admins_all",
>    require => Class["mod_puppet::deployment_files"],
>  }
> gives me the error...
> err: Failed to apply catalog: private method `split' called for 
> #<Array:0x4873be8>

Yeah.  So, that is a totally awful error message.  The `command` needs
to be a string, not an array, but the exec type isn't checking that,
it just fails trying to call the Ruby `split` method on it.  Which
doesn't work. :)

That said, it isn't entirely clear to me what you are trying to do.

The `generate` function runs a command on the Puppet master while the
catalog is being compiled, but an `exec` resource is run on the
client.  Generally, you use `generate` to allow you to query an
external data source.

Is your `ldap-add-host.sh` script doing that query, or does it
actually create things?

If the later, is it idempotent - will it do the same thing if you run it twice?

Finally, you need multiple `exec` resources (or a shell script) if you
want to run multiple commands.  Generally, best to be explicit about
that, so you would separate the touch and the running of your script.

Anyway, at a guess, `generate` is not at all what you want to do, and
you should try and forget about it.  Instead, make the
`ldap-add-host.sh` script create the lock on disk, and then just run
that internally.

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