Seems I don't quite understand how it's supposed to work

At the moment, I have it inside a 'file' resource

content => generate("/etc/puppet/scripts/ $fqdn admins_all"),

Thus I want to execute the command

and pass parameters
$1 = $fqdn
$2 = admins_all (though there will be other groups to pass in the future)

the error it gives me is...

Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Generators 
can only contain alphanumerics, file separators, and dashes at 
/etc/puppet/modules/ldap/manifests/configure.pp:93 on node ubuntu.ttinet

documentation on the generate function is sort of sparse and I am not able to 
deduce the structure of an acceptable command but I gather that spaces are not 

How do I structure this?

Craig White ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1.800.869.6908 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

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