On Jun 7, 11:12 am, Stefan Schulte <stefan.schu...@taunusstein.net>
> On Tue, Jun 07, 2011 at 07:10:22AM -0700, jcbollinger wrote:
> > On Jun 6, 6:40 pm, Larry Ludwig <larry...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I have an issue where for a file type of an exported resource I must 
> > > define
> > > as such:
> > >                 force    => false,
> > >                 replace  => false,
> > > Meaning the file is created, but do not replace after it's added. I do 
> > > this
> > > because of the app modifies the config file after (I know bad idea on 
> > > their
> > > part).
> > > How can I ensure this file is removed when I remove the node from the
> > > storeconfig database?
> You can download the puppet sources. In the ext Directory you'll find a
> script »puppetstoredconfigclean.rb NODE_TO_BE_REMOVED«. AFAIK the script will
> set the ensure property of all exported resources of the specified host
> to absent.

Nice.  Do I judge correctly that this is an *alternative* to actually
removing the node in question from the storeconfig DB?  I mean,
otherwise, there are no resources in the DB to flag absent.  If you
already have removed the node and its resources from the DB, then I
can't imagine that such a script could help.

I guess you could actually clean out the DB later, after you're
confident that the revised exported resources have been applied
everywhere needed.

Note also that conceivably there can be exported resources for which
ensure => absent is not the correct cleanup.  That may be more
theoretical than practical, however.


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