On Jun 6, 6:40 pm, Larry Ludwig <larry...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have an issue where for a file type of an exported resource I must define
> as such:
>                 force    => false,
>                 replace  => false,
> Meaning the file is created, but do not replace after it's added. I do this
> because of the app modifies the config file after (I know bad idea on their
> part).
> How can I ensure this file is removed when I remove the node from the
> storeconfig database?

1) [ugly] You can create a local resource for each such file, with
ensure => absent

2) You can manage the files' directory and all files and
subdirectories in it, and use recurse => true, purge => true on the

Note that both of these cause the file to *remain* absent, though the
latter will adapt dynamically if the file in question becomes managed

> In general, is there a way to trigger a event puppet when a instance is
> removed?

No.  Puppet has no concept of node removal, and the master operates on
behalf of a particular node only when that node requests a catalog,
which a removed node cannot do.  More generally, Puppet has no concept
of un-managing anything.


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