I am facing a strange behaviour with exported resources overriding in 0.25.5 
(CentOS). I am using nagios with exported resources. In my base class, I define 
a hostgroup by default for all nodes. In an apache vhost define, I override 
this hostgroup to a value common to all webservers. This works. 
But in another class, I use apache vhost define but I want to override another 
time the hostgroup to set it to another value. This does not work, the 
hostgroup for the host is set to the one for apache vhosts. 

Is there a way to tell that the last resource override should happen after the 
apache vhost define is applied ? 

Here is what it looks like : 

class nagios { 

@@nagios_host { $fqdn: 
ensure => present, 
alias => $hostname, 
address => $ipaddress, 
use => "linux-server", 
check_command => "check-host-alive", 
max_check_attempts => 3, 
hostgroups => "linux-servers", 
contact_groups => "admins", 

define apache::vhost ([...]){ 

Nagios_host<| title == $fqdn|> { 
hostgroups => "webservers", 

class specialized::host { 

include apache 
apache::vhost {"$fqdn": 
Nagios_host <| title == $fqdn|> { 
hostgroups => "cihosts", 
contact_groups => "ciadmins", 
require => File["/etc/nagios"], 

node "myhost" { 
include nagios 
include specialized::host 

Note, the contact_groups override works well. 


Julien Garet 

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