Hi, I don't see the problems, really.

> mount { '/mnt/foo':
>   device      => '/dev/foo',
>   options     => 'ro',
>   mount_state => mounted
>   fstab_state => present
> }
> and lets also say that options is 'ro' in fstab but someone mounted the
> device 'rw'. What should puppet report now? 

Needs remount.

> Is the »options« property
> insync now? 

There are two properties, fstab-options and mount-state options. The
former is in sync.

I'm not sure this is easily implemented in a puppet type/provider.

> If not, what is its current value? ro or rw? What if its the
> other way around? Wrong entry in fstab but correctly mounted?

Then fstab needs changing, no remount necessary.

Apart from that, I still agree with splitting being the saner choice and
second the notion that things that share names and properties can be
wrapped up on the DSL level, and shouldn't share actual types instead.


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