I'm trying to figure out how to manage the NFS mounts, then 'unmanage'
them when we're done -- ie: remove the NFS mount (ensure => absent)
and make sure the mount point on the client is removed.

I thought for the mount{} portion of this and loop over it.  But it's
not a big deal, I don't mind editing them manually for now.

So are you saying for the "absent" items, we'll need to include a
file{} directive to remove the mount point, too?

Thanks again.

On Mar 3, 8:55 pm, Ben Hughes <b...@puppetlabs.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 03, 2011 at 05:49:58PM -0800, Forrie wrote:
> > I caught that, thank you -- I've wiped my glasses thoroughly ;-)
> (:
> > One other issue I'm running into is I would like the client to
> > *create* (mkdir) the mountpoint with the correct permissions if it
> > doesn't exist.   I don't see a way that can be done within the mount
> > {} construct...
> No, mount has no way to create the directories, it's purely an
> interface to the mount command.
> > is there a clever way I can do this for a multiple of
> > directories.  Maybe from an array.
> Do it automatically? Rather than just using a file{...} call?
> file{ [ "/srv/mount1" , "/srv/mount2" ]: ... }
> and so forth.
> --
> Ben Hughes ||http://www.puppetlabs.com/

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