I'm trying to get a simple NFS mount to work with Puppet, using this:

[ init.pp ]

class myclass {

    mount { "/home/directory":
        device  => "server.domain.com:/exportdir/directory",
        fstype  => "nfs",
        ensure  => "mounted",
        options => "tcp,intr,hard,rw,bg,rsize=32768,wsize=32768",
        atboot  => "true,


I get these errors:

Mar  3 18:08:04 test-fms puppet-agent[20989]: Could not retrieve
catalog from remote server: wrong header line format
Mar  3 18:08:04 test-fms puppet-agent[20989]: Using cached catalog
Mar  3 18:08:04 test-fms puppet-agent[20989]: Could not retrieve
catalog; skipping run

I've tried variations using "mount { "directory":" and including the
"path" directive in there, and still no luck.

The server has properly exported the directory via NFS, the
permissions are correct; similarly, the local mount point directory

What's wrong?


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