On Jan 17, 1:12 pm, Felix Frank <felix.fr...@alumni.tu-berlin.de>

Hi Frank,

> I disbelieve that's how you are supposed to use this plusignment syntax.
> This is how I'm used to seeing it:
> class puppet::config {
>   file { "foo": notify => Service["bar"] }
> }
> class puppet::config::server inherits puppet::config {
>   File["foo"] { notify +> Service["baz"] }
> }

I effectively have that - removing some of the extra bits I have:

class puppet::config {
  file {
    content => template("puppet/puppet.conf"),

then overridden here:

class puppetserver::config inherits puppet::config{
  File["/etc/puppet/puppet.conf"] {
    content => template("puppet/puppet.conf","puppetserver/
    notify +> Service["puppetserver"],

> Also note that resource defaults become mute if you assign *any*
> parameter value in an actual instance declaration. So
> File { notify => Service["foo"] }
> file { "baz": notify +> Service["bar"] }
> doesn't mean "enhance the default by Service["bar"]", but instead it
> means "replace the default by whatever was set *for this very file* plus
> Service["bar"]".
> As an aside, I try and steer clear of plusignment whenever it's possible.

Ah, interesting - I hadn't appreciated that, it seems a bit of a shame
in some ways.  That explains what I'm seeing.

One reason for the slight oddness here and setting defaults was to all
a more standardised approach in how we write modules - to avoid
missing notifies (or conversely too many).



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