On Jan 12, 7:09 am, Sven Sporer <s...@intothespirit.com> wrote:
> The initial problem still stands: why do I need a second run? What
> changes in between for the client? Or should I blame it on this
> version of yum? ;)
> Here's the log output:http://pastie.org/1452205

The log shows Puppet attempting to install Package[vim-data] and
Package[vim-base] before it updates Package[vim].  It follows that
resource dependencies are not being set up properly.  Does anything
change if you replace your current vim resource with this:

  package { "vim.x86_64":
    ensure => latest,
    require => Class["yum::repos"],
    before => [ Package["vim-enhanced.x86_64"], Package["vim-
data.x86_64"] ]



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