On Jan 12, 2011, at 2:30 AM, Sven Sporer wrote:

> Hi, I have a simple use case, but can't get the dependency resolution
> to work on first run. This is not critical, but I want to understand
> what's going on. Here's the szenario:
> * puppet --version: 2.6.4
> * on the bare system, I have vim 6.4 installed (no vim-base)
> * I first want to upgrade to the latest version in repo, which is 7.1,
> * and then install vim extensions for 7.1 (vim-enhanced, vim-data)
> My definition:
> class packages::vim {
>  $addons = ["vim-enhanced.x86_64", "vim-data.x86_64"]
>  package { "vim.x86_64":
>    ensure => latest,
>    require => Class["yum::repos"],
>    before => Package[$addons],
>  }
>  package { $addons:
>    ensure => present,
>  }
> }
> The agent complains that vim-base-7.1 is not compatible with the
> installed vim-6.4 (vim-base is needed for the addons). This would not
> be a problem if the vim would be updated to 7.1 "before".
> (* I run puppet agent --test to see what happens on every run)
> * So, this fails on first run.
> * On second run, vim updates from 7.1 and installs $addons.
> * Sometimes, a third run is needed to install the $addons.

This makes no sense to me that the last doesn't always work.  Someone might 
come up with an answer, but logs with "--verbose --debug" would probably help.  
Even if you sanitize it with "grep vim" it would probably help a lot.

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