On Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 1:03 PM, Tim Watts <t...@dionic.net> wrote:

> Right. Now I'm not sure I see further down a solution unless it falls out
> of one of the environment or selector bits - I'll offer a standard "problem"
> and ask what the "puppet way" is if I may...
> OK - /etc/ssh/sshd_config - it's very common on a large uni site to have
> several versions - one for servers, one for staff PCs, another for student
> PCs, another for a "really secure server" and also to have ad-hoc exceptions
> on odd named PCs.
> If you don't like sshd_config, then mentally substitute /root/.k5login
> How does one handle this cleanly and concisely in puppet, based on the node
> inheritance scheme?

This seems like it encapsulates most of your concerns, so I'm addressing it.
If I dropped something you really wanted a reply to, say so.

There are many ways to do this, but this is the one I tend towards:

file { "/etc/sshd/sshd_config":
    ensure => present,
    owner  => "root",
    group  => "root",
    mode   => "0644",
    source => "puppet:///sshd/etc/sshd/sshd_config.${sshd_type}",

In your base node (i.e., top level inheritance) set a default:

node base {
    include sshd

node myclient inherits base {

node myserver inherits base {

This would require sshd_config.client. Override it on a per-node basis.
External nodes scripts make this sort of thing simpler.

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